12 DECEMBER 1941, Page 2

Vichy Grows More Hostile

One of the questions affected by Japan's entry into war is the attitude of Vichy. French Indo-China, and Camranh Bay and Saigon in particular, were the advanced bases for the attacks on Thailand and Malaya. Vichy has nevertheless issued a hint that any Anglo-American action against Indo-China will be resented, as well as a reminder that by signing the Franco- Japanese Agreement the French Government formally recog- nised Japan's predominance in the Far East. Negotiations for a closer Franco-Japanese Agreement are believed to be now in progress, while in Europe renewed German pressure is being exercised to bring about a German control over French North Africa. It is not difficult to see how a clash with our forces in the one area might be used to excuse a gross betrayal of the cause of freedom in the other. The only thing likely to bring Vichy to its senses would be news of early important successes on the side of the Allies. But such do not at present seem likely, save in Russia, to be the order of the day. Failing any new means of influencing the men round Marshal Petain, we can only hasten our preparedness to meet their prospective treachery.