12 FEBRUARY 1910, Page 17


Srn,—Mr. Athelstan Rendall'a letter in your issue of the 5th inst. would have gained in interest had he seen his way clear to enlarge upon how Nonconformist ministers canvass their congregations and allow their chapels to be used for political meetings, even when the building is not on the rates assessment. For many years I lived in a parish in the South of England, and on more than one occasion saw the Noncon- formist clergyman on a Liberal platform, but I never saw the vicar on any political platform.

Mr. Rendall calla it intimidation on the part of a vicar to canvass, as he may be the trustee of some small village charity. Would he kindly give a name to canvassing done by a Non- conformist minister on behalf of the Liberal candidate who may also be a trustee of some local charity ? I have no doubt that the vocabulary of modern Radicalism will supply the requisite word, and at the same time discover some virtue in allowing chapels to be illegally used for political meetings when not on the rates assessment.

It might also interest your correspondent to hear, if he is not already acquainted with the fact, that it was Lord Harrowby who gave permission both to the Budget League and the Budget Protest League to hold a meeting in his park. No doubt some Radical leader could be found ready to call this applying the feudal screw, and I leave it as it stands for Mr. Rendall's comment. —I am, Sir, &c.,

Northern Club, Edinburgh.