12 FEBRUARY 1910, page 1

News Of The Week.

rilHE most important event of the week is undoubtedly the gg speech made by Mr. John Redmond on Thursday night. Mr. Redmond insisted, amid cheers, that Home-rule was once more......

As Far As We Can Read The Signs, The Situation

is this. The Government to live must get the Budget through and unaltered. But there is a clear majority in the House of Commons against the Budget if the Nationalists vote upon......

To Put The Matter In Another Way, The Unionists Would

be perfectly willing to keep the present Government in office on almost any ground except the Budget. To ask Unionist Members who are pledged deeply against the Budget to save......

No Doubt This Last Proviso Gives A Certain Loophole For

escape, but taking Mr. Redmond's speech as a whole, it must be admitted to be one of ill omen for the Government. What snakes it so menacing is the fact that we may feel pretty......

Mr. Redmond Turned Next To The Burning Subject Of "

veto before Budget." It had been suggested, said Mr. Redmond, by the Westminster Gazette " and other so-called Liberal organs" that they should pass the Budget and deal with the......

Even If The Government Were Willing To Do What The

Irish ask—that is, to settle the Lords question in no sense on its merits, but merely as an incident in the triumphal progress of Home-rule—they would fail in the attempt.......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
