12 FEBRUARY 1960, Page 32


ACROSS 1 Not, however, the book-worm. (4-6) 6 Rush around about nothing (4) 10 Just the region for the ascent, we hear (5) 11 A thousand and one in assemblies give battle (9) 12 He is always on his lawful occasions- (8)- 13 'Though the English are —, they're quite impervious to heat' (Coward) (6) 15 This couple get well in Scotland (4) 16 No bar in the Highland town? (4) 17 1 care for her (5) 20 'The — that coveted gold above renown' (Newbolt) (5) 21 Doctor Acts work (4) 22 Song of joy (4) 24 Ramble about in Carrara (6) 26 Warlike monsters with nothing in them! (8) 29 The heather's very sparse (9) 30 A thousand to begin with would make this god extremely rich (5) 31 Sounds a tepid opinion of 'The Son* of the Shirt' (2-2) 32 Earliest heathers? (10) DOWN

1 'And gives to airy nothing A — habitation and .a name' (Shake- speare) (5)

2 Early exponent of walkie-talkie? (9) 3 Appropriate time for the Itoky poky? (3, 3) 4 Early displays in the parks? (6, 4) 5 The Colonel and Mamma ? It's stupefying! (4) 7 Nothing to hand out of the window. (5) 8 Hardy remedies (9) 9 Turn in bed? and did with confidence (7) 14 Sent a rogue from among the followers (10)

A first prize of a book token fdr one guinea and a second prize of a book token for fifteen shillings will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on Feb. 23. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1076,99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Solution on February 26

15 Heavy morning vapours tele- scoped? (9) 18 But its cats aren't all toms! (4, 2, 3) 19 One might expect 14 so to praise (7) 23 What's in the bag? Nails and a hammer (6) 25 Produces a spare harvest (5) 27 Offend against ourselves? (5) 28 She comes up doubly doubting (4)

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