12 FEBRUARY 1960, page 15

Fair Continent He Gaulle Critical Quarterly What...

Motoring Devil's Work The Lily White Boys On the Beat Mr. Dooley Mahatma Gandhi Congested Magistrate? Courts Dissent Derek Hoddinott Kenneth MacGo wan Andor Gomme John Long......

De Gaulle Sir,—i Am Amazed At Your Editorial Comments On

recent events in France and Algiers. Is it true that these events have been 'set off' by de Gaulle's own policies? Surely the shadow of pos- sible rebellion has been dark in the......

Critical Quarterly

SIR,—I suppose we shall go on getting letters from Mr. Dyson as long as anyone finds the Critical Quar- terly worth commenting on. I too was sharply re- buked (by Mr. Dyson's......