12 JULY 1924, Page 2

Once again Spanish arms are in trouble in the Rif.

Abdel Krim made another attack on the Spanish position and, it appears, scored considerable success. But, as usual, Spanish reinforcements have been able to stem his onset, and even advance a little into the interior. We fear, however, that the whole situation in Spain seems as muddled and unsatisfactory as ever. The Directory of the Marquis de Estella does not seem to be succeeding in its task of purifying Spanish public life. General Berenguer has been sentenced for his part in the Anual disaster, but a large faction in the country still supports him. It is terrible to realize that the whole of the energy of Spain goes in an unsuccessful struggle for a few miles of utterly barren and worthless hinterland in Morocco. It is calculated that if an equal amount of money and labour had been expended on internal development Spain would now be the best, instead of the worst, equipped country in Europe. Until some Spanish Government has the moral courage to withdraw from Morocco Spain has little to hope from either Directory or Democracy.

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