12 JULY 1924, page 18


ORANG1I-TREE BY NIGHT. Ir you feel for it, pressing back the glossy leaves, The fruit looks cold, as if its sullen fire is dying : So red the ember that you scarcely dare to......

• A Scrap Of Paper."

[To the Editor of the Ssficx,tron.] Sin,—The phrase was in use in Germany before the War. In Der Eurvpdische Krieg, 1913, which I bought at Marienbad in 1912, the phrase occurs......

New Zealand Birds.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —The- New Zealand Government having wisely decided to exhibit a large and complete collection of native birds at the Empire Exhibition at......

A Correction.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] justice to the members of our Old Boys' Association, I feel that I ought to ask you to correct a mis-spelling in your article on Harrogate. The......

A Civic Sense In England ? The Kent Coalfields.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I regret that my attention has only just been drawn to Professor S. D. Adshead's article in your issue of .June 7th, and I trust that you......