12 MARCH 1932, Page 18

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Stn,—Suppose that instead of

reading of Liu the Farmer one had come upon him just as he is, sitting there ; for the story is dated late February and it is now only early March. Suppose one could say to him " Here, old Liu, is a mattock for you and a bag of seed grain ; and while it is growing I'll get you a job by which you can support your family, repairing the dykes of the Yangtze against another flood next summer." Anyone who would like to do something like that can do it by sending a contribution to the China International Famine Relief Commission, 6 Tsai Chang Hutting, East City, Peiping.—I am, Sir, &c., . H. JOCELYN SHYLY. Shantung Christian University.