12 MAY 1917, Page 12


(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."l SIR,—In reply to the inquiry about " Papin's Digester " in your correspondence columns, it was in common use in the kitchen when I was a boy—some sixty-odd years ago. I remember it as an upright boiler holding about a gallon, closed by a lid which could be clamped on practically steam-tight. In the centre of the lid was a weighted valve, which prevented the escape of steam until sufficient pressure had been produced to enable water placed in it to be heated several degrees above the boiling-point. The bones, &c., were put in the boiler with a little water, and 1113 lid clamped on before heating. I do not remember that it effected the marvels described by Evelyn, but it certainly extracted more from the bones than boiling in an open pot.-