12 MAY 1917, page 11

Dr/ne Or Starvation ?

[To THE EDITOR OF TIN " SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,---Mr. Durrell 3fillar, M.P., is quoted in the Times of April 28th as stating that 425,000 quarters of grain are being consumed in the......

Wanted, A Compromise.

(To MR EDIT= OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I am most unwilling to trespass further on your valuable space, but I really „cannot accept your statement that I and my friends are......

The " Trade " And The Nation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—We are frequently told—I hope truly—that brewers and those connected with " the Trade " are as patriotic as any one else. What then are......

The Two Voices.

(To THE EDITOR OF :THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Last week I noted with satisfaction the fulfilment of your desire for a Royal Proclamation about food economy. I, how- ever, read with......

" On Their Honour."

(To THE EDITOR or ISE " SPECTATOR:9 Ste,--In the windows of a number of houses in the district in which I live appear small cards, on which is printed "IN HONOUR BOUND Ws ADOPT......

Some Dilemmas.

iTo THE EDITOR or rue " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Are beer and porter foods or not? If not, why waste precious meal? If they are, will the drinker get the same bread allowance as the......

The Strength Of Britain Movement's Last Word To The...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In view of the default of the Government to .act upon the mandate from the great meeting at the Queen's 'Hall, to which you kindly gave......

Organized Rationing. (to The Editor Or The " Spectatoil"2...

I suggest the term "organized rationing" instead of the very misleading and highly objectionable term "compulsory rationing It seems to me that the facts are these: (1) There is......