12 MAY 1917, Page 16


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Shantiniketan : the Bolpur School of Ralthulranath Tagore. By W. W. Pearson. (Macmillan and Co. 4s. 6d. net.)—At Bolpur, a hundred miles from Calcutta, Sir Rabindranath Tagore has a boys' school called Shantiniketan, or " The House of Peace." The fundamental idea of the school is to let the boys " develop their own characters in the way which is natural to them." They play football, they go for picnics, they have their lessons in the open air. In the morning and evening they sing the founder's songs and have silent worship. They take turns at .serving the meals. Discipline is maintained by the boys in their own courts. 'The_blending of the traditional Hindu -and the modern English methods of education seems to be successful, thanks to •the personal loyalty . of pupils and.staff to-the founder. Mr. Pearson's account of this interesting school is-well worth reading. In a preface the poet explains how_ be came to- establish it,. with the help of Mr. Satish Chandra Roy,. a poet who died at the ago of twenty but left behind him happy memories and a pleasant little Hindu legond which Mr. Pearson has translated in this book.