12 MAY 1917, Page 17

CAPE TOWN AND ITS SOLDIERS.—WO have received copies of a

delightful little book which- is sent every month by the Citizens' Meetings Carmnittee of Cape Town to men from that city who are serving with the forces. Each booklet contains a letter with messages from Cape Town citizens, items of news of local and general interest,_ancl pictures of various places in South Africa or incidents that will appeal- to the troops. Each booklet also includes an addressed postcard for a reply, and the recipient is invited to write to the Secretary of the Committee. One copy has attached to it taps of the long pointed satiny loaves of the Silver Tree which must have had a special welcome: The letters to the men are written in. just the right spirit, friendly and-sympathetic and without a touch of patronage or sentimentality. We congratulate- Gape Town's citizens on an excellent idea excellently carried' out.