12 MAY 1990, Page 27

Baltic rights Sir: While agreeing with the whole tone and

tenor of your leading article (Still An Evil Empire, 14 April), may I point out that Russian democrats are totally behind Lithuanian independence.

We Russians fighting for democracy in our country believe that freedom in Russia is inseparable from independence for the Baltic states. One hundred and thirty-five deputies to the newly elected Leningrad City Soviet, and 75 to the Moscow City Soviet, have sent letters of protest to Gorbachev over his reaction to Lithuania's declaration of independence, and letters of support to leaders in the Baltic states in their struggle for independence. Demon- strations have been held in over 20 Russian towns in support of Lithuanian independ- ence.

We Russians see Soviet colonialism as one of the biggest threats to the achieve- ment of democracy in our society.

George Miller

British Representative, NTS, Alliance of Russian Solidarists, 83 Baring Road, London SE12

. after me . . . Gorby, Gorby, Gorby, out, out, out.'