12 NOVEMBER 1943, Page 14


Sm,—On the merits or defects of Basic English I have nothing to say ; but if we are seeking a universal language, would it not be wise to consult those who have already made experiments in that direction ? The people of Balnibarbi (one of the United Nations, I believe) have devised a simple plan. Since words only represent things, instead of memorising a vocabu- lary of 85o worils, you carry with you a selection of 85o different things, to be produced as required. This saves breath and obviates all difficulties of spelling and pronunciation. How far it has succeeded in practice, I cannot myself say. My authority is that keen and intelligent observer, Capt. Lemuel Gulliver, who spent some time in Balnibarbi and speaks highly of the Academy of Lagado, where the scheme was elaborated.—