12 NOVEMBER 1943, page 14

Basic Balnibarbic

Sm,—On the merits or defects of Basic English I have nothing to say ; but if we are seeking a universal language, would it not be wise to consult those who have already made......

Latin And Norse Words

Sift,—In his Marginal Comment Mr. Harold Nicolson writes that he has met no philologist who had been able to explain why Old English borrowed so comparatively -few Latin words.......

" The Other University "

SIR, —Your correspondent H. W. H. asks " what University besides Oxford and Cambridge has residential colleges of the type of Trinity? " The answer is obvious to Durham men and......

Mary Coleridge Sir,—we Are Indebted To Mrs. Battiscombe...

very interesting Life of Charlotte M. Yonge (lately reviewed in The Spectator) with its full and discriminating estimate of the novels and of the social and religious atmosphere......

Country Life By The Doorway The Flowers Of The Guelder

(Viburnum Fragrans) are sweet with a breath of spring that contrasts strangely with the most autumnal various toadstools that have appeared on the lawn. To drag in two more......