13 APRIL 1912, Page 2

The Unionist demonstration held at Balmoral, near Belfast on Tuesday

was great, not merely in numbers, but in the temper and purpose of the demonstrators. Contingents from all quarters of Ireland, including Cork, Kerry, and Chive, took part in the procession of 100,000 men, four miles in length, who marched past Mr. Bonar Law, as many more were gathered in the Balmoral ground and as many more, again, lined the route. The orderliness of the gathering is admitted by hostile critics, and it is noted that hardly a policeman was visible; but we have been assured by those who were present that no newspaper account has rendered justice to the impressiveness of the scene. The solemnity of the occasion was marked in a most impressive manner before the speeches began, the Primate of All Ireland offering up a special prayer, and after the Moderator-elect had read a passage of Scripture beginning with the words "0 God, our Refuge and Strength," the whole vast assemblage sang Watts's hymn based on Psalm ex., "0 God, our Help in ages past."