13 APRIL 1912, page 3

The Difficulties Of Count Khuen Hedervary, The Hungarian...

are summarized in a telegram from the Vienna correspondent of the Times in Thursday's issue. They are aggravated by the prospects of co-operation between the Kossuth and Justh......

In Spite Of Fears To The Contrary, The National Conference

of the Miners' Federation last Saturday accepted the recom- mendation of the Executive in favour of a return to work. It was stated unofficially that this decision was carried......

Admiral Von Tirpitz's Conduct Of The German Navy Cam- Paign

is vehemently attacked by Herr Konrad Haussmann, a South German lawyer, and member of the Reichstag, in the April number of the magazine Mars. From the extracts quoted in......

The House Of Commons Reassembled On Wednesday, And Spent The

greater part of that day's sitting in a discussion of the Army Bill. A number of amendments were moved by Radical and Labour members in connexion with the use of troops in......

Mr. Boner Law Said That Ho Came As Leader Of

the Unionist Party in the House of Commons to assure Ulster that they regarded the cause of Ulster Unionists not as theirs alone, but as the cause of the Empire, and would do......

The Men On The Whole Have Responded To The Conference's

instruction without delay. At the beginning of the week there was some fear that the South Wales miners would remain out until the demands of the enginemen had been accepted by......


The Elections In Turkey, So Far Its Can Be Judged

at the moment, are practically certain to result in a sweeping victory for the Committee of Union and Progress. According to a Reuter telegram in Monday's Daily Telegraph, this......