13 APRIL 1912, Page 3

Admiral von Tirpitz's conduct of the German Navy cam- paign

is vehemently attacked by Herr Konrad Haussmann, a South German lawyer, and member of the Reichstag, in the April number of the magazine Mars. From the extracts quoted in Monday's Daily Mail we find that the German Minister of Marine is accused of having for many years conspired with the Navy League and the manufacturers of war materials to poison German public opinion by preaching the unavoidability of war with England. Ile is also charged with exploiting the national resentment against British intervention in the Morocco negotiations to force on the Naval Bill in spite of the opposition of the Chancellor and Herr Werrauth, the Secretary to the Treasury, who has since resigned, and it is further asserted that the money for the Press and Parliamentary agitation comes from the sup- pliers of war materials, who advertise freely in bellicose journals such as Ueberad We have no means of estimating what authority is exerted by Mars or by Herr Haussmann, but the article has attracted wide attention in Germany, and

the leading journals have so far paid it the significant tribute of silence.