13 APRIL 1912, Page 3

The elections in Turkey, so far its can be judged

at the moment, are practically certain to result in a sweeping victory for the Committee of Union and Progress. According to a Reuter telegram in Monday's Daily Telegraph, this result

must, to a, certain extent, be attributed to the terrorism and intimidation practised by the agents of the Committee in the provinces, where many of the Governors are its nominees. But the Constantinople correspondent of the Times specifies other causes which have tended to enhance its success. The unexpectedly prolonged and stubborn resistance of the Turco-Arab forces in Tripoli and Cyrenaic a, coupled with the Fabian tactics of the Italians, have largely mitigated the discontent of Turkish Chauvinists. Apart from this, the failure of the Opposition to create any efficient organiza- tion for the elections has been an unexpected factor in the success of the Committee. The party of " Union and Liberty "have failed to formulate a unifying programme or to secure an inspiring leader, and there is no real cohesion among the non-Turks, of whom the Opposition will be mainly com- posed. The Committee, it is now thought, will control seventy- five per cent. of the new Chamber, and the only practical question is whether the Moderates or Extremists will be in the ascendant during the coming session.