13 APRIL 1912, Page 25


[tinder this heading we oldies such Books of the week as Aare mot hselll resorted for review in other formal Missionary Methods : St. Paul's or Ours? By the Rev. Roland Allen. (Robert Scott. Se. net.)—Wo cannot discuss the questions with which Mr. Allen deals. To put the matter very briefly we should say that ho does not make sufficient allowance for the variety of circumstances. Could there be any difference greater than what we see when we compare the work at Corinth with that which is being carried on in India? Then there is the matter of unity. The present lack of it is a deplorable hin- drance; but we soo indications of schism very soon: the Church had not boon founded twenty years at Rome when there were men who were "preaching Christ of contention." But while wo find many things about which we disagree with Mr. Allen we heartily recommend his book as one to be studied.