13 APRIL 1912, Page 26

Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods. By Richard Wagner.

Illustrated by Arthur Beckham. Translated by Margaret Armour. (Heinemann. 15s. net,)—Mr. Rackham has illustrated Wagner's story of heroes and gels in a rather less elusive style than that which generally characterizes his work. Whether this style becomes him bettor than his usual mood or no must be left to the individual taste of the reader, but it certainly seems to suit his subject better. Perhaps the best picture in the book, both for imaginative power and drawing, is the one entitled "The Three Norm." The translation is a great improvement on the English versions sometimes employed in Wagnerian opera. The present writer found in a popular translation of "The Valkyrie," the line. "Droh'at du mit Frauen " rendered by the delightful phrase, "Prate not of females." Miss Armour seems to have caught the spirit of the verse exceedingly well.