13 AUGUST 1887, Page 1

Prince Ferdinand has at last determined to accept the Bulgarian

Throne without the previous sanction of the Powers. He reached Bulgarian soil on Thursday ; and after being greeted by the Regents, who assured him that as long as he laboured "for the liberty and independence of the country," the Army and people would support him, he proceeded to Widdin in the Government yacht. At Widdin the Prince issued a procla- mation, in which he accepts the Throne as if it were a free gift of the Bulgarian people, and says nothing whatever about the sanction of the Powers. It is expected that he will reach Tirnova this evening, and as soon as possible meet the Sobranje and take the oath to the Constitution. It mast have been a curious experience for Prince Ferdinand to travel down the Danube in the yacht—a present from the Czar—in which the last Prince of Bulgaria was conveyed out of his own Kingdom a helpless prisoner at the mercy of a gang of bravoes.