13 AUGUST 1887, page 17

Rush-bearing At Gra Smere.

fTo Tux EDITOR or Tar "Eirserwroa."] Sm,—Tourists passing through Grasmere on Saturday last must have been surprised to see the low broad walls of the old grey church covered......

Treasure-trove And Dreamland.

rTo TES EDITOR OF 'RR “EIPECTATOlt." J Sra,—Some weeks ago, I brought upon myself some expressions of wrath and strong disapproval from members of a certain Society to which in......

The Attack On A Schoolmistress In Irela.nd. [to Tim Editor

Or ran " Bracinros. " ] Srs,—As I happened to be in Westport a few weeks ago as an independent onlooker, at the time of what is now known there as "the stoning day," and as I......