13 AUGUST 1898, Page 17


Sin,—The routine of Government work in our Depart. ment has been recently enlivened by the introduction of an indoor boy messenger of purely Irish extraction. There is a strong Hibernian flavour about him. On St. Patrick's morning I observed that this lad had failed to adorn hi. bosom with a sprig of the national emblem. " C.," said I, "where's the shamrock P "—" Och, indade, sorr !" said he, " d'ye think I would disgrace Oireland by wearing the green on this" (pointing to his official tunic) "English Govern,. ment cloth? No, sorr !" There was no rejoinder. Mr. Goschen would probably rejoice at the infusion of such a truly national spirit, painful by its exactness, into the Navy. Total abstinence on such a plea would leave no pretext for Irish " squabblings " on this sensitive national question in the House of Commons.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Postal Stores Department. THOS. WEVELL.