13 AUGUST 1910, Page 26

ILLGAZINZEI AND SNELLL PUBLICATIONS.—We have reoeived the following for August

:—The Century, the Pall Mail Magazine, St. Nicholas, the Review of Reviews, Harper's Magazine, the Windscr Magazine, the United Service Magazine, the Outlook, the Osford and Cambridge Review, the Law Magazine and Review, the Law Quarterly Review, the Cornhal Magazine, the Ecclesiastical Review, Bat'ly's Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, the North American Review, the Oren Court, the Parents' Review, the State, the Empire Gazette, the Financial Review of Reviews, the English Church Review, the Expository Times, Metal, the ltfunsey, the Church Quarterly Review, the Illustrated Poultry Record, the Book Monthly, the Dominion Medical Monthly, the Englishwoman, the Manchester Quarterly, the Interpreter, the International Journal of Ethics, the Art Journal, Travel and Exploration, the Journal of Education, the Author, the Country Home, the Geographical Journal, the Sociological Review, the University Magazine, the Local Government Review, the Re-union Magazine, Everylody's Story Magazine, the Treasury, the Connoisseur, the Sunday at Home, the Boy's Own Paper, the Girl's Own Paper, the World's Work, Nash's Magazine, Scribner's Magazine, Everybody's Magazine, the Statistical Journal, Cassier's Magazine, the English Historical Review, the American Historical Review, the Scottish Historical Review, the American Journal of Mathematics, the Popular Science Monthly, the Eugenics Review, Scotia, the Horne Counties Magazine, the Estate Magazine, Current Literature, the Forum, the Nation in Arms, Industrial Canada, the Socialist Review, the United Empire, Modern Language Teaching, the School World, the Tramp, the Journal of the Moslem Institute, Mothers in Council, the Journal of the East India Association, the Reading University College Review, the Louvre, the Encyclopaedia of Sport (Parts III. and IV.)