13 AUGUST 1910, page 17

[to Tin Editor Or The " Specriaos."] Sie,—if "h." Would

only write under one alias, or, better still, sign his own name to his communications, you would find that one day he says Russia has adopted the metric system, and another day......

Irish Tourist Development.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—As ten years have now elapsed since I first ventured to draw your readers' attention to the steady improvement that is going on in......

The Twelfth.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.'9 Sin,—" Z." makes an appeal in your last issue that no shot grouse be placed still alive in "a beater's pocket or game. bag." One hopes that......

Anglo-german Students' Visits.

I To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.''] SIR,—On behalf of the Committee organising a visit of German University students to England this year I have been asked to draw the......

A Problem In Education.

[To THE ELOILOIC OF THE " SPECTATOR." . 1 SIR,—The capture of the King's Prize at Bisley by young' Mr. Radice reminds me to submit to you an educational problem which I have......