13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 1

. News of the Week


ON'Tuesday the Preparatory Commission for tine Disarmament Conference completed its Convention. Nearlyfive years have been spent upon this draft; which will be laid before the Disarmament Conference next year.

M. Politis, the Greek delegate, eulogized the work of Lord Cecil, "the sanctity of whose cause had made him almost a prophet." All the other speakers joined iii this warm tribute, which has been handsomely earned by Lord Cecil's industry and patience as well as by his personal qualities. Nevertheless, we find it impos- sible to regard the Convention as wsatisfactory starting point for the Conference. It is true that agreement has been reached.' But agreement upon what ? Conscript arrnies have been left alone, though the period of service k to be reduced. Budgetary limitation of war materials lakes the place of direct limitation, although it is well known that in some non-demoentic countries there is no

public control of the Budget s_ a nd although Germany. if not strictly, at alleven. t

s in a ,iiiiii,tantial.mme.lue. been 927 subjected ever .since the War to that direct limitation

which is now said to be impossible. •