13 DECEMBER 1930, page 15

It Has Happened Not Once Or Twice That When It

is parti- cularly desired for what reir.oli no sane and decent person can understand , to top the thousand pheasants, or the hundred or three hundred brace of partridges that......

Coun'iltl" Cards And Idaries.

I quoted last week the example of a calendar putulislasi by the " Men of the Trees " as one sign of the prevalenee of "rural bias." In the saine line of c try several Christ -......

A Iii:krim I'lliustmas

A Christmas of manv berries is promised. Birds have refrained from even hips and haws, and the ludbeti are brilliant with coral. Anyone who values his holly trees is advised to......

So Far I Have Referred Only To Partridges Which Are

native wild birds. The mania for the bag is worse in regard to pheasants, and makes of the owner of the shoot a more commercial Bagman than any traveller, even if his samples......

Country Life

,A Scutt os: Semen • Sportsmen as a body, in this ease thoroughly in sympathy ith those who are not sportsmen, indeed even with those who are vehemently opposed to all field......

We Have Seen This Year A Few Exorbitant Examples Of

this inaMa, on which our best sportsmen and 'writers on sport have already animadverted. It is averred that on occasion the birds were too exhausted to fly, and that the dogs......

The Small Day Better Than The Big Day ? .v

in of birds flying fast mid high, it gnaip of' men who have other bonds of friendship than a skill in marksmanship, a day that contains particular 'networkss or this shot and......

It Is Well To Visualize Such A '' Bag" In

its bare details. A number of platoons of beaters are engaged. They drive the birds into great fields of roots and sometimes drive then, backwards and forwards, and contrive all......