13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 21

A Hundred Years Ago

TM; " SI.K.TATfilf," DEfEnitylir Ilium, 15:111.

• THE STATE fly Tilll 0,, Sr,,,.

Lord W3116,1.11..1 motion for referring the vonsideration of illo state of the eountry to it select eonimittee, WaS delaited fn II.. Rouse of Lords on Thursday.

Lent Radnor paid. if he had a seat in the other Iltat.e. where ho had long possessed one, lie would e an ingoiry. but linglIf.r. I iinuthly not stielt an itiquiry as that ineditatAal by Lord Wynfonl.

"1 sl Id most probably vote for ----said his Lordship, - not a committee with respect to reform. for that would 1st tinneressary.- but for the impeachment of the menthe of the late Covernment, who went out of °Hive leaving the eo try in isk. the most perilous eondition-- in a stale verging All tho •tual dissolution of society, and that, too, without being , isite■I by the vengeance fit nil insulted country.- Under the eireitinstanees in which the Ministor. acre placed, hardly yet set down in their plains, it would la, na,d oof“jr ni,,1 unreasonable. by vonsenting to tho motion of Lord 11'y Mont. to east an undeserved imputation on their aineerit v. If, after they had had time to deliberate on the distresses and dillieulties of the country. they did not come forward with s lllllll plan of alleviation', it would then be time to compel their attention to that sitered difty. He coneluded hy drawing a powerful picture of the condition of the country., which the ministry were yelled on to imnsider. The social arrangements of noeiety wore every day dissolving ; the links which knit together the different iirders of the state were loosened, and dropping from their how. Tim.. rratnewi,rk of the eonstitution was tumbling in pits.es--- ''' the whole head was sick and the wl tole heart faint ; from t lie s, de of the had I V.) t 0 iii,, head i !WM WAS no soundness in it. bin wounds and braises. and putrefying MOMS, that had not been closed, neither faunal op,