13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 21


Tun GREAT CIO:, Ili, 1.1tEBE.

During 19311 we have attempted to Imike a survey "r the Great ('rest -it Gran. throligliont England. Scotland and \Valk,. 01,..f.n.ers ii, Illally districts have sent us d great deal of most ‘aluable inffirmation. 'there are still. I es cr. many areas coneeraing which we have little or no data. We would, therefore. ask. all Bei, who have any notes mm the Great Creitcil Grille. whether for 1939 or previous v cars, to communicate with us as soon as possible. T. II. II.tititissoN. l'embroke College, Cambridge : P. A. I).

.1drilestone, Surrey.

\Vitt) 111111n: IN LONDON:.

Walking in Regents Park last Sunday I saw a lapwing wheeling and diving in the air over the football fields ill the park, which were then largely a churned-up mass of mud and water. Thi, is the lirit time I have seen this bird in one of Ile, I.Ond011 parks during a residettee of more than forty v cars. IV. M. Cucuta, Devonshire Club, St. James's Street, S.W. I.

Mr. Thomas was certainly tat'tles', in calling. the Cam:Winn offers or ',referents. '• humbug.- and will no doubt do Klailill•f• ill a white sheet (or go). lint looking at it in the cold light of reason. WaS there not a certain amount ml insineerity 011 'Pith ? Vail it Whitt y 011 will. 'nu.

which did not hAver Ihe duly against any British niamifileturc. was. of course, only a simulaerum of a "preference.- .tii I mm the other side, our object being to keep out all outside wheal . to enable our farmers to resurrect their industry, 111,, "ri - ferences could only apply temporarily and partially. sullile they were working up to it. Here, again. the preferenee: might keep out foreign wheat, but could not let in 1)on1 iaioli wheat to any great extent without keeping late!: our home pro. duction. Is that not so 3 I,. H. Iktritt.:v.


ThiS HMIS II,, • doom 1.1 \ IlOSPil the ry. ill !Wed or another I heal ie.

Mid it to toe that many of your reader. w liii ire appreetit it c iir it, girt of sight might take this opportunity ii helping ".Aloorlirlds. were the need made know ri to them. I shall be grateful. tliunhm,rc. it y011 gter in yOlir Till'011ORE V. 1.11.1X1:. Chan ma.. ltm, it I.M1(10/1 °Walla/1111v Hospital (M.OHICHS 12:yv llo.pital), Road, London, E.C. I.