13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 32

An epic written in these days wears a slightly self-conscious

stir. It must either seem archaic or make bold-use of-modern terminology and that needs courage. Courage. Mr. ,Shane Leslie has never lacked : and in The Epic of Jutland (Bent!, -10s. fld-.) he flings himself-with -characteristic ardour at his

mighty theme. The diflieulties are at (awe apparent : " the submarine menace " of the prose report becomes " the sleepless underwater bane." lin all sympathy for Mr. Leslie's endeavour, and with every appreciation of his successes. it is hard not to feel that the prose reports have not been conscientiously worked up into a poetic paraphrase. " Like a cheese from Gruy&re laded " : the vigour of everyday phrase is lost when its natural form is altered. and the new dress is as embarrassing for us ILS for itself. How good it is, all the same, to see a big theme boldly tackled !