13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 32

Christmas Gift Books

alit. Walter Carruthers SeIlar and Mr. Robert Julian Yeatman claim to have written a memorable history of England in 1066 and All That (illustrated by John Reynolds : Methuen, Os.), and the claim must be allowed. Their book is one of the best of the comic histories. There are schoolboy howlers, and pure nonsense seasoned with satire and salted with criticism. Two dates only are given, as inquiry at the Eton and HarrIlw - match revealed that only two dates in English history—ria, .n.e. 55, and 1060—are truly memorable. The book is "time result of years of research in golf-clubs, gun-rooms, green- rooms, Sce." History consists mainly of waves—e.g., "of Ostrogoths, Vizogoths and even Goths." The Pitts, like the ' Pretenders, came generally in waves of two. The Peasants' Revolt had as its first object to obtain a free pardon for , having revolted. The Roman Conquest was a "Good Thing."

• since the Britons were only natives at that time. The latter were driven into Wales and compelled to become Welsh, and " it is now considered doubtful whether this was a Good Thing." The War to end War was followed by the Peace to • end Peace. And so on. The book is commended to all Ideal Uncles.