13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 34

Dr. G. C. Coulton's The Meditteral Seem. ((ambridge Univer- sity

Press, 55.) is suffleiently defined by its sub-title -'• informal Introduction to the Middle Ages." This little hook is in find an elementary guide to mediaeval thought, with the leading topics selected by one who has made that particular field his special concern. In brief but clear outline the reader is made acquainted with the mediaeval attitude towards. or practice of, the economies of agriculture and trade. chivalry. social and patient usages. and religion. especially in its rela-

tions with trade and commerce. In so far as mediaeval thought can be described with any approach to truth in a single sentence. it may perhaps he characterized as a struggle for unity." This dictum (which is expanded and illustrated throughout the volume) may to some extent explain the modern revived interest in the Middle Ages.