13 DECEMBER 1930, Page 44


In view of the general commercial depression which

extends to Scotland as to other parts of the United ling- (loin, the latest Report of the Commercial Bank of Scotland covering the year ending October 31st last is an excellent one. Slackening trade and low rates of interest on Deposits have . been responsible for a reduction in Deposits from 1:35,228,000 to £33,182,000, but the Bank has made good use Of its resources, including the new capital, and the actual net profit for the year was £389,857 as compared with £367,9113 for the previous year. A further 1;50.000 has been placed to the Reserve, which DOIV stands at the large total a £2,850.000, while £50,000 is applied to reduction of Bank Premises and £25,000 is placed to Officers' Retiring Allowance. Fund. The directors again pay a dividend of 10 per cent. 011 Site " A " shares, although owing tone. increase in the capital Site amount required is larger, while on the " B " shares the dividend is maintained at the rate of 10 per cent. Finally. there is an increase of over ERA* to note in the carry forward while the balance-sheet discloses a very liquid position, the cash and money at call, together with British Government securities, representing well over GO per cent, of the Deposit..

A. W.