13 JANUARY 1877, Page 1

Is there any connection between the German activity in Con-

stantinople and the result of the elections to the German Parlia- ment? The final result of these elections will not be known till noon to-morrow (Sunday), but it is ascertained that the Socialists have carried Berlin, and believed that they will return a perceptible section of the Lower House,—a section which can' unite on many points with the Ultramontanes. It is believed that Prince Bismarck looks with the greatest alarm upon the progress of this party, although its success, by compelling the Moderate Liberals to support authority, may at first strengthen his hands. Is it inconceivable that, in the presence of this new force, he may be willing to distract public attention by new and considerable enterprises, or at all events, by helping on a crisis in presence of which the internal parties will be silent ? It should not be forgotten that the main idea of the Berlin Socialists is not so much the overthrow of private pro- perty, as that Government should become the sole employer of labour and distributor of its rewards. There are secondary ideas enough to frighten any Government, but we understand that to be the main one.