13 JANUARY 1877, page 2

A Very Dangerous Incident Is Occurring In New Orleans. The

Republicans claim the State, and their Governor, Mr. Packard, has occupied the State House, and garrisoned it with the negro militia. The Democrats, on the other hand, say their......

It Would Appear To Be Certain That The Famine In

Southern India is assuming grave proportions. It is stated that it extends from sea to sea, right across the Deccan ; that a million of persona are employed on the relief works......

Mr. Lowther, Under-secretary For The Colonies, Made On...

a speech which he no doubt considered a model of dis- cretion. He declared that at no time had her Majesty's Govern- ment thought of an alliance with Turkey, and that its......

Mr. Darwin, In A Letter To The Gardeners' Chronicle,...

his belief that the proximate reason why there is so little holly- berry this year is the same as the proximate reason why there is so little seed of the red clover,—and this......

If Lord Beaconsfield Really Emulates The Repute Of Lord...

he should see to it that Lord Derby does not leave British subjects who have suffered grievous injustice from foreign Governments without any redress. We have before drawn......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson, M.p., Made A Very Amusing Speeeh At

Carlisle on Wednesday night, in which he declared that though there was said to be but one man in Europe who under- stood the Schleswig-Holstein question, and he was a Professor......

The Attorney-general, Sir John Holker, In Speaking At A...

for the enlargement of a Conservative Club this day week at Preston, was exceedingly severe on those " ill-disposed and deceiving" people, as he called them,who represented that......

Sir Charles Dilke Has Changed His Tone About The Eastern

Question. In addressing his constituents at Chelsea on Monday, he was as anti-Turkish in tone as Mr. Gladstone himself, though of course much more anti-Russian. Indeed, he......