13 JANUARY 1877, Page 2

A very dangerous incident is occurring in New Orleans. The

Republicans claim the State, and their Governor, Mr. Packard, has occupied the State House, and garrisoned it with the negro militia. The Democrats, on the other hand, say their candidates were returned, and have occupied all other public buildings, organised an armed white police, and besieged the State House. President Grant at first refused to interfere, but he has subse- quently ordered General Augur to maintain peace between the factions. The Democrat Governor, Mr. Nichols, therefore, has withdrawn the white police, and both parties rest on their arms, pending a decision from Washington. It is believed that the Republicans are not willing to push the quarrel a outrance, as physical force is against them in the State itself, while the Democrats are unwilling to rouse the North by offering the slightest resistance to the Federal troops.