13 JANUARY 1877, Page 3

The Temps and the Cologne Gazette, two well-informed- papers, give

temperate accounts of the Russian army in Bessarabia. It consists of about 140,000 men, 12,000 of them cavalry, well clad, well armed, and well mounted, and deficient only in means for moving easily. Great efforts are now being made to pro- vide equipage. Herr Wickede, in particular, the correspondent of the German paper, and a most competent observer, says the sanitary arrangements- are very good, and the arrangements for feeding the men, while he especially approves the condition of the cavalry. It is in the medical department that deficiency is chiefly visible, and in the earlier Russian wars there were no hospitals at all. It should be noted, amidst the numberless reports about the condition of this Army, that we hear no word of the army which, under its Armenian Commander-in-Chief, is col- lecting on the Asiatic side.