13 JANUARY 1912, Page 19


SIR,—The cold snap suggests my asking your kind permission to re- mind your readers that during bard weather wefeed the birds in the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary. For this purpose wo should be very glad of subscriptions, as well as towards the upkeep of the wood and the wages of the keeper. May I take the present opportunity of saying also that wo are introducing a now series of simple feed- ing trays and bird tables which will be on view at the offices of the Selborne Society, 42 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. (entrance in Vernon Place), during the coming week i It is advantageous if the nesting sites are put into position into gardens as soon as possible while the birds are coming for food, so that they may get used to them.

In conclusion I would add that I should be most happy to give any advice and help in my power to bird lovers who may care to communicate with me.—I am, Sir, tte., WILFRED MARK WEER, Chairman of the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary; Honorary Secretary of the Selborne Society.

42 Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C.