13 JANUARY 1912, page 18

"under Way."

[To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR."] think I am entitled. to reply that your correspondents offer no evidence, but merely advance opinions. I do not think that such phrases as "......

" Keats The Chemist."

ITO THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATORfil Bashford is clearly mistaken as to the duties of apprentices to apothecaries at the period of Keats's service,. illustrated 'by elm......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "]

SIR,—Before correspondence on this subject is closed permit me to recall to your readers the following passage from Cole- ridge's " Table Talk " (1858, p. 272, note) :— "......

Heinrich Heine In London.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin, — Ben Jenson loved Shakespeare as much as mortal could love bia "on this side idolatry." Judging from the warmth of his delightful......

English Hexameters.

ITh THE EDITOR Of TUE " SFEOTATOR."1 SiEr - dt is only lately that I have been able to identify a criticism on English hexameters by an Elizabethan poet. The following passage......

Ito The Editor Of The "speotator:!')

SIR,—I must apologize for being so far behind the times, but I seldom have the chance of seeing an English newspaper, and I have only quite lately seen the correspondence that......