13 MARCH 1926, Page 44

A DANISH doctor, impressed by the horrors of the War,

has become an enthusiast for a World State. His first step towards substituting a United States of the World for the League of Nations would be to form an " Europa Com- rnunis " or " Anglo-European United States."' Many who have gone closely into the principles of the League have,' like Dr. Heerfordt, seen that international tariffs are a sttith bling-block to all these 'ideals ; he would sweep them He faces the even more difficult -problenis of nationalisin (which he calls " primitive egotism ").and the suppression of national navies, armies and diplomacy.' He supports his `theories by historical accounts of existing unions. In his 'opinion the best model of all is the union of the Cantons of Switzerland. But the most immediately interesting part of the book is the criticism of the present position in the League of the small European nations from the paint of view of a Dane. We do not know-what - support -Dr.- Heerfordt has at home, but Denmark's disarmament policy has been an advance, scarcely noticed,ui idealisin and her views in these matters deserve attention.