13 MARCH 1926, page 48

Home Troubles.

It seems probable that almost before this article appears in print the Report of the Coal Commission will have been published and that there will have been favourable......

' Recovery In Cement Industry.

Not the leaSt interesting leatUre during the past week has been the the_ reports of the AssOCiated. Portland:Cement Coinpany and the British Portland Cement Company. After an......

Difficulties At Geneva.

Of the various factors I have enumerated foremost place must be given to the situation at Geneva and the French Crisis. Without,. however, desiring to attribute aqy omniscient......

- • - - • - • Financial -notes Railway

have acceded to the . request , at the recent General Meeting to put. forward a . - scheme for fusing the , Deferred Ordinary, the,Ordinary " A " and the Ordinary " stocks. The......

A Desirable' •plan. K• - At - The Present Time The Southern

Railway - is undoubtedlY showing considerable progress, and the prospects are sufficiently bright to warrant hopes of further improvement. - Neverthe- less, under the present......

The Wall Street Slump.

With regard to the recent slurnp in Wall -Street there is little which need be said in the way of explanation or comment, _ for the main facts_ are simple. -Both in real estate......

The French Crisis.

With regard to the situation in France it certainly ca nnot be said that developments have been along lines that were unforeseen. For Some time past now the impression has......