13 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 18



SIR, —Will you kindly permit me to make known through the medium of your columns the fact that the book entitled Dragon's Teeth was written twenty-seven years back, and published at one shilling, and that I have not authorized its republication or consented to the association of the name of "Richard Dehan" therewith P—I am, Sir, &ea Ladies' Athenteunt Club, CLOTILDE GRAVES. 81-82 Dover Street, Piccadilly, W.

[One cannot help sympathizing with the author in her annoyance at seeing the resurrection, against her wishes, of a book twenty-seven years old, but after all the real source of the trouble must have been her own act. We presume that she sold the copyright unconditionally, instead of the right to produce so many copies within a limited period of time. The moral is that authors should be more careful when entering into their contracts. At the same time, publishers may be expected not to exact their rights too strictly. At any rate, if it is to be a case of standing on legal rights, the author may claim to let the public know his opinion of an immature work which he would rather leave buried in oblivion,—En. Spectator.]