13 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 19



have recently retired, owing to pressure of business, from the chairmanship of the Gordon Hospital for Fistula and Rectal Diseases, Vauxhall Bridge Road, in which I succeeded the late Sir Henry Seton-Karr rather more than a year ago. Shortly before his lamented death by the sinking of the 'Empress of Ireland,' we sent a joint letter to the Press, calling attention to the needs of the hospital, and more particularly to the heavy mortgage debt which was, and is, such a burden on its finances, Thanks to the response received from various quarters, we succeeded in making a considerable reduction of the debt, which was originally 44,500, but now stands at .83,700. Any hope, how- ever, of carrying the process further was extinguished at the outbreak of war. This debt does not exhaust our liabilities, which in other directions are unfortunately considerable. I realize to the full the di e (salty of urging the claims of old- established institutions at such a time as this, when new funds for objects connected with the war are daily being started. But we have also done our part in this respect. Wo have offered the use of the hospital to the military authorities for any cases suitable for treatment here, thus facilitating the departure for military duty of those who would otherwise be unable to go. Three of the members of our surgical staff are on active service, besides the matron and one of the sisters.

I therefore venture to hope that some oharitable persons, on reading this letter, may be willing to come to the assistance of our

new Chairman, Mr. Beasley Robinson, and the Committee, in relieving the strain which is so severely felt by a. small hospital like this, and enabling it to continue its work in the alleviation of the very distressing complaints with which it deals. Auer con- tributions towards the reduction of the mortgage debt, or the general purposes of the institution, will be gratefully received at the hospital by the Secretary, Mr, Carl St. Amory, or by your