13 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 27

In Attila" and' the' Hann , (Constable and Cbt, fib. net:

Mr. Edward Hutton has given, a detailed narrative of the course of Attla's career. The volume possesses' an addf-, tional value from. the fact that the main original Latin sources are printed' in fill' at the end of it.. In. an lutuoduation Mr. Hutton has endeavoured to. suggest- by a rather. far-fetched. argument that the modern Prussians are of the same, ritekdi family as, the Huns :— "It would seem," be says, "that as well physically aw spiritually the Prussians' in so far as they are Fintsie are of the same, Turanian, stock to which the. Huns belonged and if onlythusi related' to them. That the relationship, is closer stale thousand things of which we are witnesses tosday, as• for many hundred). years past, would lead us to surmise, And if they are nob: the same Barbarians, their barbarism is the same."

The hypothesis is surely such a. shadowy one as hardly to have deserved elaboration.