13 OCTOBER 1888, Page 44

Decisive Battles Since Waterloo. By Thomas W. Knox. (G. P.

Putnam's Sons.)—The second title of this book is more descriptive of its contents than the first. "The Most Important Military Events from 1815-1887" may pass ; but twenty-five decisive battles in seventy odd years is absurd, if " decisive " means battles that decide the course of history. Apart from this consideration, Mr. Knox's volume is a valuable contribution to history. He has taken a great amount of pains with his subject. The maps and plans are excellent, though one cannot help regretting that con- siderations of expense have, we suppose, prevented the use of colours. The first of the battles described is that of Ayacucho (it is not every one who knows the date and combatants in this conflict) ; the last is the "Fall of Khartoum." Two belong to the

Franco-Prussian War ; four to the War of Secession in the States. Mr. Knox has performed his task very well.