13 OCTOBER 1888, page 3

Sir Charles Warren, In His Report On The Metropolitan Police

for 1887, shows conclusively that the Force is now under- manned. In 1840, nearly forty years ago, when the population was 2,473,000, the authorised strength of the Police was......

A Railway Accident Is Reported From America Which Exag-...

even the grandiose scale of American accidents. The teetotalers of the Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys, in Pennsyl- vania, arranged on Wednesday for a " parade " in honour of Father......

Nothing Whatever Has Been Discovered During The Week To...

light upon the Whitechapel murders. The police enter- tain the belief, as we gather from the remarks of Mr. Craw- ford, the City Coroner, who is inquiring into the murder in......

On Wednesday, Mr. Chamberlain Presided At A Meeting In...

with the centenary of the Sunday-schools of the Unitarian Church of the Messiah at Birmingham,—the schools in which, he reminded his audience, he himself taught twenty years......

Submission To The Tyranny Of Weakness May Be Carried Too

far. We do not feel sure that it has not been carried too far already in the case of Portugal, when we consider the account given in Thursday's Times of the obstacles she is......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.

New Consols (2i) were on Friday 971 to 971.......

The Agitation In Macedonia Is Declared To Be Increasing, And

the Vienna journals warn the Bulgarians not to be premature, and not to claim a majority in Macedonia which they do not possess. They say they are three to one of the Greeks,......

On Wednesday, Lord George Hamilton Visited Glasgow, And...

address on the condition of the Navy to the Chamber of Commerce. In answer to the question, Is the strength of the Fleet sufficient ? he pointed out that in reality the......