13 OCTOBER 1917, Page 15

['la THE EDITOR or Mr. .• DM-Think:1

Sia—The following extract from n letter written by Sydney Smith to John Allen on Murat 10th, 1814, requires little alteration to adopt it to the present European situation:-

" How can ally man stop in the midst of the stupendous joy el getting rid of Buonaparte, wad prophesy a thousand little peddling evils that will result from restoring the Bourbons? The mom important of all &pings is the independence of Europe: it has been twine very nearly destroyed by the French; it is menmed from ns other quarter: tine people must he identified with their sovereign. There is 110 help for it it will tomb them in future to hang kings who Set Up for conquerors."

--I aim, Sir, ste.,