13 OCTOBER 1917, page 3

Sir Auckland Geddes Said At Nottingham On Tuesday That, As

Minister of National Service, he did not propose to drive any one, but rather to give a lead. He made no general appeal for men. " When I want men for a job." he said, " I......

The French Food Minister, M. Long, Gave The Chamber Last

week an account of the very serious deficiency in the food supplies of France. The harvest had, ho said, been the worst known for half-a- century ; the yield of corn was less by......

The Food Controller Has Authorized Bakers To Use Potatoes In

making bread. They may mix not more than one pound of potatoes with every seven pounds of flour. The Food Controller recommends the dilution of the wheat flour with maize,......

We Are Extremely Glad To Be Able To Record That

Lord .Rhondda has made a concession to the farmers as to the maximum price of home-grown beef. It will be remembered that the price of meat, live-weight, was to be reduced to......

In A Letter To The Times Of Monday The Bishop

of Oxford said : " The fundamental ground for the present demand for such Church refocus as will give the Church freedom to manage its own affairs is the sense that the Church......

We Desire To Add A Few Words Of Serious Warning

on the whole subject of the situation in Ireland. Our readers will probably bear witness that for many months we have refrained from mentioning Ireland at all. It was understood......

That Was The Outcome Of Mr. Birrell's Go-as-you-please...

Ireland. If we can forgive and forget such things, it is because Mr. Birrell might conceivably be acquitted as a " first offender." But if such things are allowed to happen......

Hussein Kernel, The First Modern Sultan Of Egypt, Died On

Tuesday at the age of sixty-three. He was the second son of the Khedive Ismail, and was raised to the throne in December, 1914, when his nephew, the Khedive Abbas II., was......

The Britieh Proclamation Forbidding Exports To Holland...

followed President Wilson's general prohibition of trade with neutrals, except under licence. The object is, of course, to prevent the Northern neutrals from continuing to......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.april
