12 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 37

General Knowledge Questions

Ora weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. Lindsay Pickard, 225D Elgin Avenue, Maids Vale, W. 9, for the following :-

Questions on Geography in Allegory What is the chief town of Utopia, and on what river does it lie ? 2. Through whose and what territory did the R. Alph run ?

3. Name the range of mountains to be found in Immanuel's Land. 4. What island lay west of the Pillars of Hercules, and opposite Mount Atlas 1'

5. Where is the sky a smooth lid, ten times the height of a man above the world I S. In what island and by whom was the Loeri faun discovered ? 7. State the chief peculiarity of the Strulabrugs and the country of which they are the natives.

8. Name the land where the inhabitants often took two or three nights together in the winter, "for warmth, you know."

9. What river is a branch of Oceanus, flowing from its tenth source ?

10. In what country did Prince Bulbo, of Cream.Tartary, travel three hundred miles between breakfast and dinner, without mechanical assistance ?

11. In what country were kings employed as boot-blacks ? 12. What island was towed for nine days.to the coast of Armorica, and who was its patron saint ? 13. In what country is sickness punished by imprisonment, and

crime by hospital treatment'? -- - Answers will be found-on Page 362.